
rodenacker digital image analysis & metrology

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[63] P. Landsberger, V. Boenke, A. A. Gorbushina, K. Rodenacker, B. F. Pierce, K. Kratz, and A. Lendlein. Bacterial attachment on poly[acrylonitrile-co-(2-methyl-2-propene-1-sulfonic acid)] surfaces. In 2013 MRS Spring Meeting, volume 1569, pages 85-90, San Francisco, 2013. Materials Research Society. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[62] K. R. Hahn, S. Prigarin, K. Rodenacker, and K. M. Hasan. Denoising for diffusion tensor imaging of the human brain with high spatial resolution. In O. Dössel and . W. Schlegel, editors, WC 2009, IFMBE Proceedings, volume 25/IV, pages 744-747. Springer, 2009. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[61] A. M. Fichter, U. Dornseifer, K. Rodenacker, A. Hapfelmeier, K. Matiasek, and N. Papadopulos. Bridging a 14 mm gap of the sciatic nerve with modified collagenous conduits in the rat. In H.-F. Zeilhofer, J. T. Lambrecht, and A. Müller, editors, 4th International Bernd-Spiessl-Symposium, Basel, June 5th - 7th, University Hospital Basel, Schanzenstrasse 46, CH 4054 Basel, 2008. Hightech Research Center of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[60] K. R. Hahn, S. Prigarin, K. Rodenacker, and K. Sandau. A fractal dimension for exploratory fMRI analysis. In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., volume 15, page 1858, 2007. [ bib ]
[59] K. R. Hahn, K. Sandau, K. Rodenacker, and S. Prigarin. Novel algorithms to measure complexity in the human brain and to detect statistically significant complexity-differences. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, volume 19/suppl 1. ESMRMB 2006. 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting Warsaw/PL, September 2006. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[58] H.-L. Alakomi, M. Saarela, A. A. Gorbushina, W. E. Krumbein, C. McCullagh, P. M. Robertson, and K. Rodenacker. Control of biofilm growth through photodynamic treatments combined with chemical inhibitors: in vitro evaluation methods. In R. Fort, M. Alvarez de Buergo, M. Gomez-Heras, and C. Vazquez-Calvo, editors, Heritage, Weathering and Conservation (HWC-2006), pages 713-717. Heritage, Weathering and Conservation (HWC-2006) Conference, Madrid, 21 - 24 June 2006, Taylor and Francis, London, 2006. [ bib | http | .pdf ]
[57] K. M. Hasan, K. Rodenacker, and K. R. Hahn. Evaluation of SNR performance and utility of high spatial and angular resolution denoised 1 mm^3 isotropic DTI of entire human brain at 3.0 T. In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., volume 14, page 344, 2006. [ bib | .pdf ]
[56] H.-J. Soost, K. Otto, W. Kattner, E. Bayer, R. Dvorak, C. Voeth, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and P. Gais. Vorschläge zur Ermittlung geeigneter Merkmale (Features) für die automatisierte Krebszellbildanalyse ... und was in 30 Jahren daraus geworden ist ... electronic, Helmholtzzentrum münchen (www.helmholtz-muenchen.de), 2005. [ bib | .pdf ]
[55] A. Kempe, U. Brehm, W. Bunk, A. A. Gorbushina, F. Jamitzky, K. Rodenacker, R. W. Stark, W. E. Krumbein, and W. M. Heckl. Rock and mineral surface modifications - chemical, mechanical and biological. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, volume 7, 06655. European Geosciences Union, 2005. [ bib | .pdf ]
[54] U. Jütting, B. A. Hense, K. Rodenacker, and P. Gais. (Teil-)Automatisierte Analyse der Phytoplanktonzusammensetzung nach der Utermöhl-Methode. In Tagungsbericht 2003 (Köln), pages 382-387, Berlin, 2004. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Limnologie (DGL), Weissensee Verlag. [ bib | .pdf ]
[53] K. Rodenacker, M. Hausner, and A. A. Gorbushina. Quantification and spatial relationship of microorganisms in sub-aquatic and sub-aerial biofilms. In W. E. Krumbein, D. M. Paterson, and G. A. Zavarzin, editors, Fossil and Recent Biofilms, A Natural History of Life on Earth, pages 387-399. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2003. [ bib | .pdf ]
[52] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and B. A. Hense. Identification and quantification of phytoplankton by image analysis. In K.-W. Schramm and G. F. Severin, editors, Bioindication in Natural-Like Aquatic Ecosystems: Endocrine Disruptors in Outdoor Microcosms, number 02/02 in GSF-Bericht, pages 16-24. GSF, Neuherberg, 2002. [ bib | .pdf ]
[51] K. R. Hahn, K. Rodenacker, and D. P. Auer. Cortex homogenization for intensity segmentation - an alternative. In NeuroImage, volume 13, page 141, 2001. [ bib ]
[50] K. R. Hahn, K. Rodenacker, A. Kempe, and D. P. Auer. Intensitatssegmentierung von T1-Gewichteten MR Gehirndaten uber die Homogenisierung der grauen oder weissen Materie - eine vergleichende Studie. In H. Handels, A. Horsch, T. Lehmann, and H.-P. Meinzer, editors, Proc. Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin 2001, pages 207-211. Springer, Berlin, 2001. [ bib | .pdf ]
[49] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and B. A. Hense. (Semi-) automatic recognition of microorganisms in water. In Proc. ICIP 2001, pages 30-33, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001. IEEE. IEEE Catalog Number: 01CH37205C, ISBN: 0-7803-6727-8. [ bib | .pdf ]
[48] S. Wuertz, L. Hendrickx, M. Kuehn, K. Rodenacker, and M. Hausner. [13] in situ quantification of gene transfer in biofilms. In R. J. Doyle, editor, Microbial Growth in Biofilms - Part A: Developmental and Molecular Biological Aspects, volume 336 of Methods in Enzymology, pages 129-143. Academic Press, 2001. [ bib | DOI | .link | http ]
[47] U. Bhattacharya, V. Liebscher, A. Datta, S. Parui, K. Rodenacker, and B. Chaudhuri. Shape extraction of volumetric images of filamentous bacteria using a topology preserving feature map. In Proceedings of ICPR 2000, Barcelona, Sep. 3-8, 2000, pages 291-294. IEEE Press, 2000. [ bib | .pdf ]
[46] K. R. Hahn, K. Rodenacker, and D. P. Auer. Segmentation of the human cerebral cortex for advanced morphometric analysis. In NeuroImage, volume 11, page 500, 2000. Proc. of the 6-th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. [ bib ]
[45] K. R. Hahn, K. Rodenacker, V. Aurich, and D. P. Auer. Segmentierung des Gehirns auf der Basis von MR-Daten. In A. Horsch and T. Lehmann, editors, Proc. Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin 2000, pages 86-90. Springer, Berlin, 2000. [ bib | .ps ]
[44] A. Tingberg, C. Herrmann, J. Besjakov, K. Rodenacker, A. Alman, P. Sund, S. Mattsson, and L. G. Mansson. Evaluation of lumbar spine images with added pathology. In E. A. Krupinski, editor, Medical Imaging 2000: Image Perception and Performance, volume 3981, pages 34-42. SPIE, 2000. [ bib | .pdf ]
[43] K. R. Hahn, G. Winkler, D. P. Auer, and K. Rodenacker. Application of edge preserving smoothers to fmri brain mapping. In NeuroImage, volume 9, page 67, 1999. Proc. of the 6-th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. [ bib ]
[42] P. S. Umesh Adiga, B. B. Chaudhuri, and K. Rodenacker. Semi-automatic segmentation of tissue cells from confocal microscope images. In G. Kropatsch, editor, 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'96) - Volume 3, page 494, Vienna, 1996. [ bib ]
[41] K. Rodenacker. Quantitative microscope image analysis for improved diagnosis and prognosis of tumours in pathology. In Creaso Info Medical Imaging, volume 22. Creaso GmbH, Gilching, 1995. [ bib | .html ]
[40] U. Schenck, G. Burger, U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Schenck, and W. Eiermann. Cell image morphology and hormone receptor analysis in breast carcinoma. In G. L. Wied, P. H. Bartels, D. L. Rosenthal, and U. Schenck, editors, Compendium on the Computerized Cytology and Histology Laboratory, Tutorials of Cytology, pages 211-233, Chicago, 1994. International Academy of Cytology. [ bib ]
[39] K. Rodenacker. Invariance of textural features in image cyto- and histometry under variation of size and pixel magnitude. In A. K. Datta, editor, Proceedings PC Mahalanobis Birth Centenary Volume ICAPRDT93, pages 515-522, 203 B. T. Road, Calcutta 700 035, India, December 1993. Indian Statistical Institute. [ bib | .pdf ]
[38] M. Aubele, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Hacker-Klom, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Quantitative evaluation of radiation-induced changes in sperm morphology and chromatin distribution. Nuclear Science and Technology series EUR 14910 EN, Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1993. [ bib | .pdf ]
[37] K. Rodenacker. Applications of topology for evaluating pictorial structures. In R. Klette and W. G. Kropatsch, editors, Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision, pages 35-46. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1993. [ bib | .link | .html ]
[36] K. Rodenacker, M. Aubele, U. Jütting, P. Gais, and G. Burger. Färbevarianzen und ihr Einfluss auf Texturmerkmale in der biomedizinischen Mikroskopbildanalyse. In B. Radig, editor, Mustererkennung. Proceedings 13. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung 1991, volume 290, pages 401-406. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, 1991. [ bib | .link ]
[35] K. Rodenacker. How to quantify groups of objects. In Burger et al. [34], pages 43-44. [ bib | .pdf ]
[34] G. Burger, M. Oberholzer, and G. P. Voiijs, editors. Advances in Analytical Cellular Pathology. Number 911 in Excerpta Medica, Internat. Congress Series. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1990. [ bib ]
[33] J. Schmidt, M. Aubele, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, A. Luz, V. Erfle, and G. Burger. Differentiation of spontaneous and virus-transformed osteoblast-like cells by computer-assisted imaging cytometry. In Burger et al. [34], pages 85-86. [ bib | .pdf ]
[32] G. Burger, G. Leuthold, M. Makarewicz, M. Aubele, K. Rodenacker, A. Chaudhuri, U. Jütting, A. Voss, and M. Heymann. Final report of the EU radiation protection programme: Microdosimetry and biological dosimetry, 1989. EU-Report. [ bib ]
[31] G. Burger, U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, and U. Schenck. Anwendungen der hochauflösenden Bildanalyse in der medizinischen Zytometrie. In Burger et al. [26], pages 200-226. [ bib ]
[30] K. Rodenacker. Vom Punktezählen zur Bildanalyse: Vorgehensweise und technische Möglichkeiten. In Burger et al. [26], pages 25-38. [ bib | .pdf ]
[29] K. Rodenacker, B. B. Chaudhuri, P. Bischoff, P. Gais, U. Jütting, M. Oberholzer, W. Gössner, and G. Burger. Strukturbeschreibung und Merkmalsgewinnung in der Histometrie. In Burger et al. [26], pages 179-199. [ bib | .pdf ]
[28] G. Burger, M. Aubele, P. Gais, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and U. Schenck. Clinical application of high resolution imaging cytometry. In Proc. Corso in CITOMETRIA 1988, pages 203-210, Genova, Italy, 1988. Instituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro. [ bib ]
[27] U. Schenck, W. Eiermann, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and U. Schenck. Correlations of cytomorphometry, hormone-receptor status, and age in patients with breast carcinoma. In K. Goerttler, G. E. Feichter, and S. Witte, editors, New Frontiers in Cytology, pages 135-139. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988. [ bib ]
[26] G. Burger, M. Oberholzer, and W. Gossner, editors. Morphometrie in der Zyto- und Histopathologie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988. [ bib | .link ]
[25] M. E. Boon, L. P. Kok, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Human papilloma virus changes and CIN I: A quantitative study of differences in chromatin pattern. In Burger et al. [26], pages 348-351. [ bib ]
[24] G. Burger, U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, and U. Schenck. Anwendungen der hochauflosenden Bildanalyse in der medizinischen Zytometrie. In Burger et al. [26], pages 200-226. [ bib ]
[23] G. Burger, M. Oberholzer, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, and P. Gais. Tissue section analysis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. In Burger et al. [16], pages 531-533. [ bib ]
[22] P. Gais and K. Rodenacker. Hard- and software requirements of a multipurpose image analysis system. In Burger et al. [16], pages 36-38. [ bib ]
[21] K. Rodenacker. Featuring of cellular objects. In Burger et al. [16], pages 91-96. [ bib ]
[20] U. Schenck, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and U. Schenck. Breast cancer cytometry on Pappenheim and on Feulgen stained specimens. In Burger et al. [16], pages 173-175. [ bib ]
[19] U. Schenck, W. Eiermann, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and U. Schenck. Visual and cytometric grading of breast carcinoma specimens: Correlations with the hormone receptor status. In Burger et al. [16], pages 407-410. [ bib ]
[18] E. Sprenger, S. Kowal, U. Jütting, G. Burger, and K. Rodenacker. Malignancy diagnosis of breast tumors by means of cytometry. In Burger et al. [16], pages 399-401. [ bib ]
[17] J. H. Tucker, U. Schenck, W. Eiermann, G. Burger, and K. Rodenacker. Quantitative image analysis on immunocytochemically labelled cells. In Burger et al. [16], pages 402-406. [ bib ]
[16] G. Burger, J. S. Ploem, and K. Goerttler, editors. Clinical cytometry and histometry. Academic Press, London, 1987. [ bib ]
[15] G. Burger, U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Schenck, W. Giaretti, and D. Wittekind. The role of chromatin pattern in automated cancer cytopathology. In J. Y. Mary and J. Rigaut, editors, Quantitative image analysis in cancer cytology and histology, pages 91-102. Elsevier Science Publishers Amsterdam, 1986. [ bib ]
[14] U. Jütting, G. Burger, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Schenck, U. Schenck, W. Giaretti, and G. Nicolo. Cytomorphological investigations in breast aspirates and imprint specimens. In J. Y. Mary and J. Rigaut, editors, Quantitative image analysis in cancer cytology and histology, pages 146-148. Elsevier Science Publishers Amsterdam, 1986. [ bib ]
[13] U. Schenck, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Zytologie der Schilddrüse: Diagnostische Praxis und bildanalytische Untersuchungen im bayerischen Kropfendemiegebiet. Thieme, Stuttgart, 1986. [ bib ]
[12] P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, and U. Jütting. Lokale logische Algorithmen für Binärbilder. In M. Feilmeier, J. Joubert, and U. Schendel, editors, Parallel Computing 83, pages 253-258. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, 1984. [ bib | .pdf ]
[11] K. Rodenacker. Analyse von Formen unvollständig segmentierter Objekte basierend auf Erkenntnissen der Gestaltpsychologie. In Proceedings of the DAGM/OAGM Symposium, pages 106-112, London, UK, 1984. Springer-Verlag. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[10] U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Schenck, and G. Burger. Analyse von Objektagglomeraten in Bildern. In H. Kazmierczak, editor, Mustererkennung 1983, volume 35 of VDE-Fachberichte, pages 137-142, Berlin, 1983. DAGM, VDE-Verlag. [ bib | .pdf ]
[9] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and G. Burger. Mathematical morphology in grey images. In H. W. Schüssler, editor, Signal Processing II: Theories and Applications, pages 131-134. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983. [ bib | .pdf ]
[8] G. Burger, W. Abmayr, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Bildanalysesystem zur Klassifikation zytologischer Praparate. Report BMFT FB-T 81-148, FIZ Karlsruhe, 1981. [ bib ]
[7] P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, W. Abmayr, and G. Burger. Modelle zur automatischen Befundung medizinischer Praparate. In B. Radig, editor, Modelle und Strukturen. Proceedings DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung 1981, volume 49, pages 204-211. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, 1981. [ bib | .link ]
[6] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and G. Burger. Einflüsse der Digitalisierung auf bildanalytische Merkmale. In B. Radig, editor, Modelle und Strukturen. Proceedings DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung 1981, volume 49, pages 384-385. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, 1981. [ bib | .link ]
[5] W. Abmayr, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Bildanalysesystem zur Klassifikation zytologischer Praparate, 1980. Abschlussbericht o1 VH 157A-ZA/NT/MT 225 a. GSF-Report. [ bib ]
[4] W. Abmayr, H. Borst, G. Schwarzkopf, P. Gais, and K. Rodenacker. A feature selection system for conventional PAP-stained cell images. In N. J. Pressmann and G. L. Wied, editors, The automation of cancer cytology and cell image analysis, pages 259-268. Tutorials of Cytology, Chicago, 1979. [ bib ]
[3] W. Abmayr, K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, and G. Burger. Schwellwertverfahren und nichtlineare Binärbildverarbeitungsoperationen zur Segmentierung von monochromatischen Zellbildern. In J. Foith, editor, Angewandte Szenenanalyse. Informatik- Fachberichte, volume 20, pages 280-285. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1979. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[2] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, and G. Burger. Bildsegmentierung mittels Textureigenschaften. In J. Foith, editor, Angewandte Szenenanalyse. Informatik- Fachberichte, volume 20, pages 260-268. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1979. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[1] P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, W. Abmayr, and G. Schwarzkopf. Mikroskopbildverarbeitung mit dem Prozeßrechner S330 und dem Programmsystem DIBIVE. In U. Voges, editor, Tagungsbericht der 9. Jahrestagung des Siemens Prozeßrechner Anwenderkreises I, volume KfK 2642 of Tagungsbericht, pages 215-223. Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Institut für Datenverarbeitung in der Technik, Karlsruhe, April 1978. [ bib | .link | http ]

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