
rodenacker digital image analysis & metrology

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[61] F. Menzel, B. Conradi, K. Rodenacker, A. A. Gorbushina, and K. Schwibbert. Flow chamber system for the statistical evaluation of bacterial colonization on materials. Materials, 9(9):770, 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[60] M. C. Lukowiak, S. Wettmarshausen, G. Hidde, P. Landsberger, V. Boenke, K. Rodenacker, U. Braun, J. F. Friedrich, A. A. Gorbushina, and R. Haag. Polyglycerol coated polypropylene surfaces for protein and bacteria resistance. Polymer Chemistry, 6:1350-1359, 2015. [ bib | DOI ]
[59] K. Hahn, N. Myers, S. Prigarin, K. Rodenacker, A. Kurz, H. Förstl, C. Zimmer, A. M. Wohlschläger, and C. Sorg. Selectively and progressively disrupted structural connectivity of functional brain networks in alzheimer's disease - revealed by a novel framework to analyze edge distributions of networks detecting disruptions with strong statistical evidence. NeuroImage, 81:96-109, 2013. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[58] U. Dornseifer, A. M. Fichter, S. Leichtle, A. Wilson, A. Rupp, K. Rodenacker, M. Ninkovic, E. Biemer, H.-G. Machens, K. Matiasek, and N. A. Papadopulos. Peripheral nerve reconstruction with collagen tubes filled with denatured autologous muscle tissue in the rat model. Microsurgery, 31(8):632-641, 2011. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[57] A. Gorbushina, A. Kempe, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, W. Altermann, R. Stark, W. Heckl, and W. Krumbein. Quantitative 3-dimensional image analysis of mineral surface modifications - chemical, mechanical and biological. Geomicrobiology Journal, 28(2):172-184, 2011. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[56] K. R. Hahn, S. Prigarin, K. Rodenacker, and K. M. Hasan. Denoising for diffusion tensor imaging with low signal to noise ratios: Method and monte carlo validation. International Journal for Biomathematics and Biostatistics, 1(1):63-81, 2010. [ bib | .pdf ]
[55] D. D. Peters, K. Lepikhov, K. Rodenacker, S. Marschall, A. Boersma, P. Hutzler, H. Scherb, J. Walter, and M. Hrabé de Angelis. Effect of IVF and laser zona dissection on DNA methylation pattern of mouse zygotes. Mammalian Genome, 20(9-10):664-673, October 2009. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
[54] C. H. Hahn, K. Matiasek, P. M. Dixon, V. Molony, K. Rodenacker, and I. G. Mayhew. Histological and ultrastructural evidence that recurrent laryngeal neuropathy is a bilateral mononeuropathy limited to recurrent laryngeal nerves. Equine Veterinary Journal, 40(7):666-672, November 2008. [ bib | DOI ]
[53] K. Matiasek, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, J. J. Tanck, and W. Schmahl. Stereological characteristics of the equine accessory nerve. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia: Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C, 37(3):205-213, June 2008. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[52] B. Hense, P. Gais, U. Jütting, H. Scherb, and K. Rodenacker. Use of fluorescence information for automated phytoplankton investigation by image analysis. J. Plankton Res., 30(5):587-606, 2008. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[51] A. Rupp, U. Dornseifer, A. Fischer, W. Schmahl, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, P. Gais, E. Biemer, N. Papadopulos, and K. Matiasek. Electrophysiologic assessment of sciatic nerve regeneration in the rat: surrounding limb muscles feature strongly in recordings from the gastrocnemius muscle. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 166(2):266-277, November 2007. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[50] A. Rupp, U. Dornseifer, K. Rodenacker, A. Fichter, U. Jütting, P. Gais, N. Papadopulos, and K. Matiasek. Temporal progression and extent of the return of sensation in the foot provided by the saphenous nerve after sciatic nerve transection and repair in the rat - implications for nociceptive assessments. Somatosensory and Motor Research, 24(1-2):1 - 13, March 2007. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[49] K. Rodenacker. Does digital analysis of micro image data improve understanding of reality ? Contradictions - Challenges. Ecological Informatics, 2/4:353-360, 2007. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
[48] M. Hughes-Fulford, K. Rodenacker, and U. Jütting. Reduction of anabolic signals and alteration of osteoblast nuclear morphology in microgravity. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 99(2):435-449, 2006. [ bib | DOI | .link | .pdf ]
[47] K. Rodenacker, B. A. Hense, U. Jütting, and P. Gais. Automatic analysis of aqueous specimens for phytoplankton structure and population estimation. Microsc Res and Techniq, 69(9):708-720, 2006. [ bib | DOI | .link | .pdf ]
[46] K. Rodenacker and E. Bengtsson. A feature set for cytometry on digitized microscopic images. Anal Cell Pathol, 25(1):1-36, 2003. [ bib | .link | .pdf | http ]
[45] K. Rodenacker, M. Hausner, M. Kühn, S. Wuertz, and S. Purkayastha. Depth intensity correction of biofilm volume data from confocal laser scanning microscopes. Image Anal Stereol, 20 (Suppl 1):556-560, 2001. Proc 8th ECS and Image Analysis, Sept. 4-7, 2001, Bordeaux, France, ISBN: 961-90933-0-5. [ bib | .pdf ]
[44] U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, J. Böhm, and H. Höfler. MIB-1, AgNOR and DNA distribution parameters and their prognostic value in neuroendocrine tumours in the lung. Image Anal Stereol, 19(1):39-43, March 2000. [ bib | .pdf ]
[43] C. Herrmann, A. Tingberg, J. Besjakov, and K. Rodenacker. Simulation of nodule-like pathology in radiographs of the lumbar spine. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 90(1-2):113-116, 2000. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[42] K. Rodenacker, A. Brühl, M. Hausner, M. Kuhn, V. Liebscher, M. Wagner, G. Winkler, and S. Wuertz. Quantification of biofilms in multi-spectral digital volumes from confocal laser-scanning microscopes. Image Anal Stereol, 19(1):39-43, 2000. [ bib | .pdf ]
[41] K. Rodenacker, K. R. Hahn, G. Winkler, and D. P. Auer. Spatio-temporal data analysis with non-linear filters: Brain mapping with fMRI data. Image Anal Stereol, 19(3):189-94, 2000. [ bib | .pdf ]
[40] B. Zhou, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, L. P. Guo, Q. J. Pan, F. Gao, X. J. Wang, and P. Z. Lin. Prediction of the outcome of esophageal dysplasia by high-resolution image analysis. Chinese J Cancer Res, 12(3):192-6, 2000. [ bib ]
[39] U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, J. Böhm, S. Koch, H. W. Präuer, and H. Höfler. Diagnosis and prognosis of neuroendocrine tumours of the lung by means of high resolution image analysis. Anal Cell Pathol, 18(2):109-19, 1999. [ bib | .link | http | .pdf ]
[38] G. Winkler, V. Aurich, K. R. Hahn, A. Martin, and K. Rodenacker. Noise reduction in images: Some recent edge-preserving methods. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Advances in Mathematical Theory and Applications, 9(4):749-766, 1999. [ bib | http ]
[37] U. Pal, K. Rodenacker, and B. B. Chaudhuri. Automatic cell segmentation in cyto- and histometry using dominant contour feature points. Anal Cell Pathol, 17(4):243-50, 1998. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[36] B. Zhou, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, and P. Z. Lin. Discrimination of esophageal dysplasia with progression and nonprogression. High-resolution image analysis for surrogate end point biomarkers. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 20(6):500-8, 1998. [ bib | .link | .html ]
[35] M. Aubele, H. Zitzelsberger, S. Szucs, M. Werner, H. Braselmann, P. Hutzler, K. Rodenacker, L. Lehmann, G. Minkus, and H. Höfler. Comparative FISH analysis of numerical chromosome 7 abnormalities in 5-μm and 15-μm paraffin-embedded tissue sections. Histochem Cell Biol, 107:121-126, 1997. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[34] F. Gao, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, and L. Z. Lin. Relevance of chromatin features in the progression of esophageal epithelial severe dysplasia. Anal Cell Pathol, 13(1):17-28, 1997. [ bib | .link | http | .pdf ]
[33] G. Minkus, U. Jütting, M. Aubele, K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, W. Breuer, and W. Hermanns. Canine neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas: A study using image analysis techniques for the discrimination of metastatic versus nonmetastatic tumors. Vet Pathol, 34:138-145, 1997. [ bib | DOI | .link | .pdf ]
[32] K. Rodenacker, M. Aubele, P. Hutzler, and P. S. Umesh Adiga. Groping for quantitative digital 3-d image analysis: An approach to quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization in thick tissue sections of prostate carcinoma. Anal Cell Pathol, 15:19-29, 1997. [ bib | .link | .html | .pdf ]
[31] U. Schenck, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Modelling, definition and applications of histogram features based on DNA values weighed by SINE functions. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 19:443-452, 1997. [ bib | .link ]
[30] M. Aubele, G. Auer, U. Falkmer, A. Voss, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, and H. Höfler. Identification of a low-risk group of stage I-breast cancer patients by cytometrically assessed DNA and nuclei texture parameters. Journal of Pathology, 177:377-384, 1995. [ bib | .link ]
[29] M. Aubele, G. Auer, U. Falkmer, A. Voss, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, L. E. Rutquist, and H. Höfler. Improved prognostication in small (pT1) breast cancers by image cytometry. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 1(36):83-91, 1995. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[28] K. Rodenacker. Invariance of textural features in image cytometry under variation of size and pixel magnitude. Anal Cell Pathol, 8:117-133, 1995. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[27] U. Schenck, U. Jütting, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, U. Schenck, and W. Eiermann. Bildanalytische Unterscheidungen DNS-diploider Mammakarzinome nach dem Hormonrezeptorstatus. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Zyt., 19:201, 1995. [ bib ]
[26] M. Aubele, G. Auer, P. Gais, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and A. Voss. Nucleolus organizer regions (AgNORs) in ductal mammary carcinoma. Comparison with classifications and prognosis. Pathol Res Pract, 190(2):129-137, 1994. [ bib | .link ]
[25] M. Aubele, G. Burger, and K. Rodenacker. Problems concerning the quality of DNA measurements on Feulgen-stained imprints: A study of five fixation techniques. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 16(3):226-232, 1994. [ bib | .link ]
[24] G. Burger, M. Aubele, B. Clasen, U. Jütting, P. Gais, and K. Rodenacker. Malignancy associated changes in squamous epithelium of the head and neck region. Anal Cell Pathol, 7:181-193, 1994. [ bib | .link ]
[23] A. Datta and K. Rodenacker. A knowledge acquisition tool in analytical pathology based on multi-media relational database. Comput Meth Prog Bio, 44:119-130, 1994. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[22] M. Aubele and K. Rodenacker. Fragen der Standardisierung und Qualitatssicherung in der DNA-Zytometrie. Zentralbl Pathol, 139:437-441, 1993. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[21] K. Rodenacker, M. Aubele, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, W. Gössner, and M. Oberholzer. Cytometry in histological sections of colon carcinoma. Pathol Res Pract, 188:556-560, 1992. [ bib | .link ]
[20] K. Rodenacker, M. Aubele, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, W. Gössner, and M. Oberholzer. Image cytometry in histological sections of colon carcinoma. Acta Stereologica, 11(Suppl I):249-254, 1992. [ bib ]
[19] K. Rodenacker and P. Bischoff. Quantification of tissue sections: Graph theory and topology as modelling tools. Pattern Recogn Lett, 11:275-284, Apr. 1990. [ bib | .pdf ]
[18] M. Aubele, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, G. Burger, and U. Hacker-Klom. Quantitative evaluation of radiation-induced changes in sperm morphology and chromatin distribution. Cytometry, 11:586-594, 1990. [ bib | DOI | .link | .pdf ]
[17] K. Rodenacker, M. Aubele, G. Burger, P. Gais, U. Jütting, W. Gössner, and M. Oberholzer. Cyto- and histometry in histological sections of colon carcinoma: Method. Acta Stereologica, 9(2):197-203, 1990. [ bib | .pdf ]
[16] K. Rodenacker and P. Bischoff. Analysis of distributed objects: An application in quantitative histology. Acta Stereol, 8(2):601-607, 1989. [ bib | .pdf ]
[15] U. Schenck, G. Burger, W. Eiermann, U. Jütting, U. Schenck, P. Gais, and K. Rodenacker. Correlation of visual and cytometric grading of breast carcinoma with the hormone receptor status. GBK Mitteilungsdienst, 55:47-52, 1989. [ bib ]
[14] J. Schmidt, M. Aubele, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, A. Luz, V. Erfle, and G. Burger. Computer-assisted imaging cytometry of nuclear chromatin reveals bone tumor virus infection and neoplastic transformations of adherent osteoblast-like cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 164(2):728-735, 1989. [ bib | .link | .pdf ]
[13] B. B. Chaudhuri, K. Rodenacker, and G. Burger. Characterization and featuring of histological section images. Pattern Recogn Lett, 7:245-252, 1988. [ bib | .pdf ]
[12] J. H. Tucker, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, P. Nickolls, K. Watts, and G. Burger. Interval-coded texture features for artefact rejection in automated cervical cytology. Cytometry, 9(5):418-425, 1988. [ bib | DOI | .link | http | .pdf ]
[11] K. Rodenacker, P. Bischoff, and B. B. Chaudhuri. Featuring of toplogical characteristics in digital images. Acta Stereol, 6(Suppl III):945-950, 1987. [ bib ]
[10] G. Burger, K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, P. Gais, and U. Schenck. Morphological markers in cytology. Acta Stereol, 4(Suppl II):243-248, 1985. [ bib ]
[9] W. A. Giaretti, P. Gais, U. Jütting, K. Rodenacker, and P. Dörmer. Correlation between chromatin morphology as derived by digital image analysis and autoradiographic labeling pattern. Anal Quant Cytol, 5(2):79-89, 1983. [ bib | .link ]
[8] K. Rodenacker, U. Jütting, P. Gais, and G. Burger. Automatical image analysis in cytopathology. Acta Stereol, 2(Suppl I):125-128, 1983. [ bib ]
[7] K. Rodenacker, G. Leuthold, and G. Burger. Charged particle track analysis by stereological methods. Acta Stereol, 2(Suppl I):289-294, 1983. [ bib ]
[6] G. Burger, U. Jütting, and K. Rodenacker. Changes in benign cell populations in cases of cervical cancer and its precursors. Anal and Quant Cytol, 3(4):261-271, 1981. [ bib | .link ]
[5] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, and U. Jütting. Segmentation and measurement of the texture in digitized images. Stereol Iugosl, 3(Suppl I):165-174, 1981. [ bib ]
[4] W. Abmayr, P. Gais, K. Rodenacker, and G. Burger. Estimation of the performance of an array-processor oriented system for automatic PAP smear analysis. Cytometry, 1(3):193-199, 1980. [ bib | DOI | .link | http | .pdf ]
[3] P. Gais, W. Abmayr, K. Rodenacker, and G. Burger. Vergleich der Mikroskopbilderfassung mit Scanningphotometer- und Fernsehabtastung. Microscopia Acta, 4:203-216, 1980. [ bib ]
[2] K. Rodenacker, P. Gais, and W. Abmayr. Analysis of textures with DIBIVE: A system for digital picture processing. Mikroskopie, 37:421-424, 1980. [ bib ]
[1] W. Abmayr, P. Gais, H. G. Paretzke, K. Rodenacker, and G. Schwarzkopf. Real-time automatic evaluation of solid state nuclear track detectors with an on-line tv-device. Nucelar Instruments and Methods, 147:79-81, 1977. [ bib | .pdf ]

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