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example cell

Extinction image parameter:

Area, Mean, Standard deviation, Skewness, Minimum, Maximum, Median, Mode, Entropy
example cell Whole object
[a, m1, m2, m3, min, max, min7, max7, med, md, ent]
example cell Inside border of object
[bia, bim1, bim2, bim3, bimin, bimax, bimin7, bimax7, bimed, bimd, bient]
Outside border of object
[boa, bom1, bom2, bom3, bomin, bomax, bomin7, bomax7, bomed, bomd, boent]
example cell Dark particles from flat texture
[da, dm1, dm2, dm3, dmin, dmax, dmin7, dmax7, dmed, dmd, dent]
Bright particles from flat texture
[ha, hm1, hm2, hm3, hmin, hmax, hmin7, hmax7, hmed, hmd, hent]
example cell Dark regions from rice field
[hla, hlm1, hlm2, hlm3, hlmin, hlmax, hlmin7, hlmax7, hlmed, hlmd, hlent]
example cell Bright regions from rice field
[hua, hum1, hum2, hum3, humin, humax, humin7, humax7, humed, humd, huent]
example cell Background
[bga, bgm1, bgm2, bgm3, bgmin, bgmax, bgmin7, bgmax7, bgmed, bgmd, bgent]
example cell Total image
[toa, tom1, tom2, tom3, tomin, tomax, tomin7, tomax7, tomed, tomd, toent]

Transformed image:

Area, Mean, Standard deviation, Skewness, Minimum, Maximum, Median, Mode, Entropy
example cell Gradient whole object
[ga, gm1, gm2, gm3, gmin, gmax, gmin7, gmax7, gmed, gmd, gent]
example cell Laplace whole object
[la, lm1, lm2, lm3, lmin, lmax, lmin7, lmax7, lmed, lmd, lent]
example cell Flat texture whole object
[fa, fm1, fm2, fm3, fmin, fmax, fmin7, fmax7, fmed, fmd, fent]
example cell Topological gradient from rice field
[rga, rgm1, rgm2, rgm3, rgmin, rgmax, rgmin7, rgmax7, rgmed, rgmd, rgent]
example cell Local fractal dimension
[fra, frm1, frm2, frm3, frmin, frmax, frmin7, frmax7, frmed, frmd, frent]
example cell Local multi fractal dimension
[mfa, mfm1, mfm2, mfm3, mfmin, mfmax, mfmin7, mfmax7, mfmed, mfmd, mfent]

Morphological parameters:

example cell Roundness, centroid coordinates, Box coordinates, 1. - 7. invariant moment, angle of principal axis, maximum extension (, max. inscribable circle) [p2a, kx, ky, lox, loy, rux, ruy, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5, mm6, mm7, thetm, ext_max, (rad)]

Morphological two and half dimensional parameters:

1. - 7. invariant moment, angle of principal axis
example cell Invariant moments from extinction
[im1, im2, im3, im4, im5, im6, im7, itheta]
example cell Invariant moments from flat texture
[nm1, nm2, nm3, nm4, nm5, nm6, nm7, ntheta]

Mayall/Young chromatin parameters

after Characterization of chromatin distribution in cell nuclei, Cytometry, 7, 467-474 (1986)
example cell Intermediate parameters
[nb, ng, nw, sumd, rm0, rm1, rm2]
heterogeneity, clumpiness, margination, radius
[hetero, clump, marg, rad]

Co-occurrence texture parameters:

  1. Angular 2nd moment
  2. contrast
  3. correlation
  4. variance
  5. inverse 2nd diff. moment
  6. sum average
  7. sum variance
  8. sum entropy
  9. entropy
  10. difference variance
  11. difference entropy
  12. measure of correlation 1
  13. measure of correlation 2
  14. local mean
example cell Extinction
[co1, co2, co3, co4, co5, co6, co7, co8, co9, co10, co11, co12, co13, co14]
example cell Flat texture
[nc1, nc2, nc3, nc4, nc5, nc6, nc7, nc8, nc9, nc10, nc11, nc12, nc13, nc14]

Run-length texture parameters:

  1. short runs emphasis
  2. long runs emphasis
  3. grey level non-uniformity
  4. run length non-uniformity
  5. run length percentage
example cell Extinction
[rl1, rl2, rl3, rl4, rl5]
example cell Flat texture
[nr1, nr2, nr3, nr4, nr5]

Graph parameters

example cell Centers from bright regions from rice field
#nodes, total length MST, total length NNG, #triangles Delaunay, #edges Delaunay
[eun, eumstl, eunenl, eudtn, eudtk]
#nodes with x edges in MST
[eumsx (x=0, ..., 6)]
#nodes with x edges in Delaunay
[eudx (x=0, ..., 9)]
example cell Centers from dark regions from rice field
#nodes, total length MST, total length NNG, #triangles Delaunay, #edges Delaunay
[eln, elmstl, elnenl, eldtn, eldtk]
#nodes with x edges in MST
[elmsx (x=0, ..., 6)]
#nodes with x edges in Delaunay
[eldx (x=0, ..., 9)]

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