
Table of Contents  ▸  List of Commands  ▸  User KaRo's CLI functions  ▸  karo_feat_eval_n◀  region_feature_example    |    descriptive_feature  ▶




Compute features from selected transmission (grey) image and multi-component maskimage.

if _oneo is true, mask is considered as one-component maskimage
Features: centroid (x,y), area, mean extincton, sd extinction.
follic_ loads an example image and mask

Example of use:

$ gmic follic_ karo_feat_eval_n.. . run "repeat h#-2 =. 2,{i(#-2,0,$>)},{i(#-2,1,$>)} done" +ge. 2 delaunay3d. n.. 0,255 j3d.. .,0,0,0,0.5,1 rm.

Command: follic_ karo_feat_eval_n.. . run "repeat h#-2 =. 2,{i(#-2,0,$>)},{i(#-2,1,$>)} done" +ge. 2 delaunay3d. n.. 0,255 j3d.. .,0,0,0,0.5,1 rm.
Command: follic_ karo_feat_eval_n.. . run "repeat h#-2 =. 2,{i(#-2,0,$>)},{i(#-2,1,$>)} done" +ge. 2 delaunay3d. n.. 0,255 j3d.. .,0,0,0,0.5,1 rm.