
Table of Contents  ▸  List of Commands  ▸  User KaRo's CLI functions  ▸  example_descriptive_feature◀  descriptive_feature    |    kr_mean_lch  ▶




Example for feature extraction from a selected grey image and a [region] mask or label image using extract_region and descriptive_feature. More than 9 regions are truncated if _all false. Background region (label 0) is only calculated if _background true. Graphical display of feature with _verbose_draw true and textual display only with _verbose_text == true.

The list of features is returned in status, label,area,mean,SD,curtosis,excess,min,max,median for each region.
osteo_ and follic_ in the examples are transmission image examples from microscopic cells with region masks

Examples of use:

• Example #1

$ gmic osteo_ example_descriptive_feature.. . e ${}

Command: osteo_ example_descriptive_feature.. . e ${}
Command: osteo_ example_descriptive_feature.. . e ${}
Command: osteo_ example_descriptive_feature.. . e ${}

• Example #2

$ gmic follic_ karo_extinction.. , label_fg. 0 example_descriptive_feature.. .

Command: follic_ karo_extinction.. , label_fg. 0 example_descriptive_feature.. .
Command: follic_ karo_extinction.. , label_fg. 0 example_descriptive_feature.. .
Command: follic_ karo_extinction.. , label_fg. 0 example_descriptive_feature.. .